Program Secondary

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Program Offered

Secondary 1-3 (12-14 years old)
Secondary 4 (14-16 years old)
"Our Secondary students have the space to grow and find themselves in a unique and welcoming environment guided by teachers who particularly enjoy working with this dynamic age group."

Each grade level has its own neighborhood wing, and is further broken into three sides to make the community smaller and assist students in making connections with their classmates and teachers. Each side has a disciplinary teachers that support the academic, social, and emotional needs of all students.

Secondary 1-3 Class
Cambridge IGCSE/O Level

Cambridge Lower Secondary develops skills and understanding in English, mathematics and science for the first three years of secondary education. It combines a world-class curriculum, high-quality support for teachers and integrated assessment.

Secondary 4 Class
Cambridge IGCSE/O Level

Cambridge Upper Secondary is typically for learners aged 14 to 16 years. It offers learners two routes: Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level. Cambridge Upper Secondary builds on the foundations of Cambridge Lower Secondary, although learners do not need to complete that stage before this one. Cambridge IGCSE and Cambridge O Level provide broad and balanced study across a wide range of subjects, using learner-centred and enquiry-based approaches to learning. This class offer 1 year study at school and the students can continue to college/university in Indonesia or overseas. More information can open to 

Curriculum Cambridge Lower Secondary 11 to 14 years
• English (1st and 2nd language)
• Mathematics
• Science
• Cambridge Global Perspectives
Curriculum Cambridge Upper Secondary 14 to 16 years
• A wide choice of subjects
• Cambridge IGCSE (70+ subjects)
• Cambridge 0 Level (40+ subjects)
• Cambridge ICE Certificate

Major Subjects: Mathematics, English, Science, Chinese
Minor Subjects: Religion, Character Building, Social Studies, ICT, Art and Craft, Bahasa Indonesia, Sport, Civics

School Examinations :  National Examinations (UNBK), Cambridge Checkpoint and IGCSE or O Level

School Times
Students come to school every Monday to Friday
Assembly/Morning Reading/Gym
Regular Lessons

Academic Club
Personal Development : Field Trip, Leadership Training, International and National Day Celebration, Religious Day Celebration, Workshop
Academic Support
Program is made for students who have academic difficulties, which will affect their motivation and perception of themselves as learners. If needed, the teacher will also assist students with their academic work by helping them with assignments, re-teaching basic language, and math skills, and conferring on topics to be discussed in class. This program is offered after school on Monday-Friday from 14.20-16.00.
Table Tennis
Academic Club