A Day Full of Happiness: Release of Great Crystal School and Course Center Surabaya Students

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  • A Day Full of Happiness: Release of Great Crystal School and Course Center Surabaya Students

Surabaya, June 21, 2024 – An atmosphere full of happiness and emotion enveloped the grand hall of Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya on Friday, when Great Crystal School and Course Center held its graduation and send-off ceremony for students of the 2023/2024 academic year. The event was a historic moment for the students, parents, and teachers who have worked hard during their years of education.

The graduation ceremony began with the host marveling at the students sitting neatly in their togas and graduation caps, smiling with confidence and pride. The event was opened by Yuliana Harijanto, BEng (Hons) as Head of Primary with an inspiring speech. In her speech, she congratulated the students on their achievement and appreciated the full support of the parents and dedication of the teachers. “Today is a testament to the hard work, determination and incredible passion for learning of our students. We are proud to see you growing and ready to face the challenges ahead,” he said.

The event continued with the awarding of diplomas to each student symbolically by Yuliana Harijanto, BEng (Hons) as Head of Primary and the teachers. Furthermore, to enliven the event, various special performances were presented by the students, ranging from dances, to melodious singing. Each performance received a warm welcome and standing ovation from the audience, adding to the excitement and happiness of the graduation ceremony. The event closed with a meal together and thanking the parents with flowers for supporting their children all these years. The students then gathered with their families for a photo session, capturing this historic moment with great happiness.

The graduation and send-off of Great Crystal School and Course Center students at Shangri-La Hotel Surabaya was successful and meaningful. This event not only marked the end of their educational journey at the school, but also the beginning of a new adventure towards a bright future. Congratulations to all graduates and graduates, may you continue to excel and bring the good name of the school wherever you are

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